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We diligently monitor global developments and devise our financial policies in a manner that ensures harmonization with the sustainability of the state`s public finances. We aim to diversify income sources and achieve the ambitious objectives outlined in Oman Vision 2040.

His Excellency Sultan bin Salem Al Habsi

Minister of Finance

Ministry History

Establishing the first administrative body for the Ministry of Finance, known asthe “Department of Financial Affairs”, managed personally by His Majesty the Sultan. previous arrow next arrow
1941 image
Adding three departments when establishing the State’s administrative apparatus: Central Treasury Department, Accounts Audit Department, and Central Accounts Department to which the customs and financial planning section was added later. previous arrow next arrow
1970 image
Determining the competencies of the Ministry of Finance and its organizational structureby the Royal Decree No. 26/1975 previous arrow next arrow
1975 image
Establishing the State General Reserve Fund by the Royal Decree No. 1/1980, which stipulated that the Directorate General of Finance would be the executive of the Fund. previous arrow next arrow
1980 image


Reorganizing the Directorate General of Finance by Royal Decree No. 40/1980, where some of its departments were upgraded to directorate general, in addition to establishing a finance office in Salalah.


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1980 image
Determining the competencies of the Deputy Prime Minister for financial affairs by the Royal Decree No.87/1982. previous arrow next arrow
1982 image
Approving the organizational structure of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Financial and Economic Affairs by the Royal Decree No.27/1984. previous arrow next arrow
1984 image
Establishing the Ministry of Finance and Economy by Royal Decree No.64/1985, which stipulated an amendment to the organizational structure of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Financial and Economic Affairs. previous arrow next arrow
1985 image
Appointing a Secretary General for Tax by Royal Decree No. 4/1991, so that the General Secretariat for Tax becomes one of the organizational divisions of the Ministry of Finance and Economy. previous arrow next arrow
1991 image
Determining the competencies of the Ministry of Finance and Economy by the Royal Decree No. 47/1994. previous arrow next arrow
1994 image
Changing the name of the Ministry of Finance and Economy to the Ministry of Finance, as financial activity was separated from economic activity and an independent ministry was created for each by Royal Decree No. 69/1995. previous arrow next arrow
1995 image
Determining the competencies of the Ministry of Finance and its organizational structure by the Royal Decree No. 39/1996. previous arrow next arrow
1996 image
Amending the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance by the Royal Decree No.41/2008. previous arrow next arrow
2008 image
Establishing Tax Authority under the supervision of the Council of Ministers, by the Royal Decree No.66/2019. previous arrow next arrow
2019 image
Amendingsome provisions of two Royal Decrees related to the establishment of the Tax Authority and the adoption of its organizational structure by the Royal Decree No 103/2020. previous arrow next arrow
2020 image
Establishing Oman Investment Authority by the Royal Decree No. 61/2020, which determined the subordination of the Authority to the Council of Ministers. previous arrow next arrow
2020 image

اعتماد اختصاصات وزارةالمالية واعتماد هيكلها التنظيمي وفق المرسوم السلطاني رقم (91/2022).

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2022 image

arrow icon Vision

To optimize the utilization of the state`s financial resources, foster diversification of resources, and strike a delicate balance between revenues and expenditures, all in pursuit of sustainable development.

arrow icon Mission

We are committed to preparing the state`s comprehensive budget, formulating executive policies, devising financial plans, and meticulously scrutinizing government projects, financing methods, and investment opportunities in light of global financial trends, which in turn empowers us to make informed and effective decisions.

Ministry Values









Main Projects

Government Financial System (Maliyah)

Government Financial System (Maliyah)

Risk Management

Risk Management

The National Program  for Fiscal Sustainability and Financial Sector Development

The National Program for Fiscal Sustainability and Financial Sector Development

National Assets Register

National Assets Register

Partnership for Development Programme (Offset)

Partnership for Development Programme (Offset)

Common Contract

Common Contract

Performance-Based Budgeting

Performance-Based Budgeting

Beneficiary Code System (BCS)

Beneficiary Code System (BCS)

Treasury Single Account (TSA)

Treasury Single Account (TSA)

Supply chain financing

Supply chain financing

Medium Term Fiscal Plan (2020 - 2024)

Medium Term Fiscal Plan (2020 - 2024)

Pricing of Government Services

Pricing of Government Services



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